The regular meeting of the Bay County Road Commission, Road Department, was called to order at 9:00 a.m., at 2600 E. Beaver Road, by the Chairman, Richard Gromaski.
Roll Call: Richard Gromaski, Edward Rivet & Michael Rivard
Also present were: Road Commission Representatives: Jim Lillo, Engineer-Manager; and Randy Frederick, General Superintendent; Dept. of Water & Sewer Representative: Thomas Paige, Director, Paul Colbeck, Water Superintendent; Supervisors – George Augustyniak, Fraser; Terry Spegel, Hampton; Dennis Bragiel, Kawkawlin; Gary Brandt, Monitor; Michael Haranda, Mt. Forest; and Paul Wasek, Williams; Mel McNally, Kawkawlin Township Trustee; Mike Niederquell, Wade-Trim, Inc.; John Billette, Civil Engineering Consultants; and Jackie McCarthy, Clerk of the Board.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Commissioner Gromaski moved to approve the minutes of the January 26, 2011 meeting. Motion was adopted on a roll call vote:
Yeas: Gromaski, Rivard & Rivet
PUBLIC INPUT – D. Bragiel commended BCRC on plowing after recent storm.
T. Spegel questioned project invoice. Asked about signs for a local ministry on a local road. He commended road crew for work after snow storm.
G. Augustyniak asked about large snow pile at intersection.
G. Brandt commended road crew.
P. Wasek commended road crew and requested clearing on one road.
Board commended road crew employees.
Mr. Frederick presented a letter from Pavement Recycling, Inc. requesting to extend their 2010 pricing, terms and conditions for an additional year. Commissioner Rivet moved to approve the request. Motion was adopted on a roll call vote:
Yeas: Rivet, Gromaski & Rivard
Commissioner Gromaski moved to approve payroll for the period of 1/15/11 through 1/28/11 in the amount of $133,953.73. Motion was adopted on a roll call vote:
Yeas: Gromaski, Rivard & Rivet
Commissioner Rivet moved to approve bills in the amount of $411,208.52. Motion was adopted on a roll call vote:
Yeas: Rivard, Rivet & Gromaski
Commissioner Rivard moved to approve permits 11-014 through 11-024. Motion was adopted on a roll call vote:
Yeas: Rivet, Gromaski & Rivard
Engineer-Manager’s Report – BBLR meeting today and executive session after DWS meeting – Overtime report – Drainage work on Lauria Drive discussed – Credit cards; no activity for prior month – Kinney Road design is complete – Thank you received from BC Times photographer for road crew on recent storm.
There being no further business before the Board, Commissioner Rivet moved to recess the meeting until the completion of the Bay County Department of Water and Sewer meeting. Motion was adopted on a roll call vote at 9:30 a.m.
Yeas: Rivet, Gromaski & Rivard
Commissioner Rivard moved to return to the Road Department regular session and then move into executive session at 12:16 p.m. per Section 8 (c) of the Open Meetings Act to discuss Engineer-Manager’s contract renewal. Motion was adopted on a roll call vote:
Yeas: Gromaski, Redmond & Rivet
Commissioner Rivet moved to reconvene to regular session at 12:20 p.m. It was agreed upon to extend Mr. Lillo’s contract until collective bargaining is complete. Motion was adopted on a roll call vote:
Yeas: Rivard, Rivet & Gromaski
There being no further business before the Board, Commissioner Rivet moved to adjourn the meeting until Wednesday, February 23, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. Motion was adopted on a roll call vote at 12:30 p.m.
Yeas: Gromaski, Rivet & Rivard
Respectfully Submitted by: Approved by:
Jackie McCarthy Richard S. Gromaski
Clerk of the Board Chairman of the Board