Bay County Road Commission
Right-of-Way / Transportation
ALL PERMITS WILL BE PROCESSED THROUGH THE WEB-BASED OXCART PERMIT SYSTEM: The Bay County Road Commission will be changing the way Right-of-Way permits are processed. Right-of-Way permits (Utility, Residential Driveway, Commercial Driveway, and Land Division) will ONLY be processed using a web-based permitting system through Oxcart Permits. No paper, emailed, or faxed applications will be accepted after May 2, 2021.
Please click on the link below to set up an account and begin applying for permits.
Any applicant wishing to apply for a permit with the Bay County Road Commission will have to use the Oxcart website. Registering an account with Oxcart is free and can be completed on their website under the “Applicant” heading in the top menu of their homepage ( Some of the many benefits to using the Oxcart platform include
- Access to a simple, online interface for requesting Right-of-way permits in Bay County and many other county road commissions in Michigan.
- Paperless permits downloadable to your computer or any mobile device.
- Elimination of tedious paper processes, faxing and phone calls.
- Expedient process of permit approvals.
- Permit approvals pushed to your email inbox.
If you need assistance in creating a new Oxcart account. Click here.
If you need additional assistance from a Bay County Road Commission staff person in filling a permit using the Oxcart system this will be by appointment ONLY. Walk-ins will NOT be accepted. Click here to schedule an appointment. When you come to the appointment be sure to have all of the required contact information for the permit applicant (and the contractor if that is different than the applicant) Also you must have a valid email address at the time of the meeting.
Payment – Once a permit is approved, the applicant will receive an e-mailed invoice that must be paid with a charge card (ONLY) before the permit can be viewed.
Processing and Credit Card Charges
In addition to the Bay County Road Commission permit fees, Oxcart collects a nominal convenience charge and Credit card processing charge for each permit
Contact Information:
Transportation and Right-of-Way Permits: Douglas Kolka ( Phone: 989-686-4610 Opt. 3 Fax: 989-667-7174 |
Permit Rules and Policies: